SINFONICA team in Reggio Emilia
On 11 th and 12 th of May 2023, the University of Hasselt organised an international workshop at the School voor Sociale Wetenschappen (School of Social Sciences) titled: Unpacking how new technologies are reshaping diversity (in)equality at work . The workshop was designed by Prof. Patrizia Zanoni (Universiteit Hasselt) to focus on the influence that algorithm and Artificial Intelligence have on the organisation of work and how this change affects the workforce in terms of inclusion/exclusion, integration and (in)equality. The initiative was funded by the FWO, the Research Foundation – Flanders, supporting all kind of research in the Flanders area.
Among the participants, it is worth to highlight the presence of two renowned speakers in the field of algorithm, AI, and diversity. These two speakers are Niels van Doorn (University of Amsterdam) and Joana Vassilopoulou (Brunel University, UK). Their keynote speeches sat the tone for the topic conversation held during the two days international workshop. Niels van Doorn spoke about the opportunity and risks of algorithm management while Joana Vassilopoulou spoke about AI and Diversity. The choice to focus on these subjects allowed a deeper analysis on the labour management practices and the role played by AI in human resources management.
ICOOR participated to the event acting as a speaker presenting the SINFONICA project. ICOOR was represented by Giulia Renzi, project manager and technical coordinator of the SINFONICA project.
ICOOR participated in the afternoon session coordinated by Prof. dr. Jo Pierson on Thursday, May 11 th 2023 and it joined the discussion together with representatives of the Grenoble Ecole de Management and Smartschool.
ICOOR spoke about the crucial role played by autonomous vehicles in forcing society to rethink notions of inclusion, fairness, justice, and equality. The role played by CCAM and its users, proves to be crucial in standardising mobility options across users and particularly interesting for future AI developments. The objective is to enhance future mobility solutions for them to be socially inclusive, efficient, and economically affordable. Moreover, the involvement of the group of interest (GoI ) and the group of followers will guarantee direct feedback from the targeted mobility stakeholders.
Participating to the international workshop Unpacking how new technologies are reshaping diversity (in)equality at work held at the University of Hasselt was a great experience for ICOOR. It allowed to meet with renowned European research institutions to discuss the impact of algorithm, AI on diversity and inclusion. Thanks to the expertise gained from the SINFONICA project, ICOOR could contribute to the workshop with an innovative point of view on CCAM technology and the role it plays in enhancing social innovation within the mobility sector.