ICT System Addressed to Intergrated Logistic management and decision support for intermodal port and dry port facilities.
This project aims at developing an integrated ICT tool able to support logistics chain of goods flow and all business operations provided in the port and the dry port areas.
Something to Know About SAIL
FP7 Marie Curie, Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways – IAPP 2011
11/2010 – 11/2014
To increase the available space affected by intensified maritime traffic flow, dry ports are being established nearby and directly connected via rail or road networks. However, overall port management becomes more complex since the two terminals have to be managed as if they were one. The EU-funded SAIL project set out to provide a solution to this problem. The main aim was to develop an online strategic decision-support tool for optimal management of intermodal transport facilities at European ports.
Project partners studied and developed advanced decision-support system (DSS) concepts and components as well as associated methodologies and algorithms.
This led to the development of a DSS that supports decision-makers in managing traffic flow between the dry port and the maritime port. It interprets large amounts of data resulting from this intermodal transport and proposes the best possible solutions.
The main activities in which the ICOOR team was involved are related to the analysis of the case study of the project, the simulation of the logistics operations and the realization of a Decision Support System of the management of the flows of goods between the port and dry port areas.
ICOOR Members: Polytechnic of Bari, University of Trieste.

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