ICOOR’s projects at RTR2024
The 7 th edition of the Conference On Results From Road Transport Research (RTR Conference) was held in Brussels, between the 5 th and the 7 th of February 2024.
Co-organised by ERTRAC & EGVIAfor2Zero, CCAM and the European Commission this conference has the goal of give voice to the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects which have already achieved important results that can be useful for both ongoing projects and new proposals.
In 29 sessions, 83 speakers showcased the 76 Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects ’ outcomes and discussed on the topic of future mobility with over 700 participants, dealing with the main areas of road transport: Green Vehicles, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Safety, Automated Road Transport.
During the opening session, Stephan Neugebauer (ERTRAC & EGVIAfor2Zero President), together with Armin Gräter (CCAM President) and Rosalinde van Der Vlies (Clean Planet Director, DG Research and Innovation – DG RTD) highlighted the importance of starting from the results obtained collectively. Furthermore, they underlined the importance of focusing on the necessary interaction between expert audiences, society and authorities (European Parliament and Member States) to encourage the adoption of innovations and ensure that the new EU’s regulations support the scaling-up industry.
Collaboration and cooperation are once again the main ingredients for successful and useful research activities!
During the first day, Giulia Renzi, as Technical Coordinator of SINFONICA, joined the session titled “ CCAM coordination frameworks, inclusiveness and society impact ”. She shared the stage with the coordinators or three related projects:
– FAME – Framework for coordination of Automated Mobility in Europe.
– SUNRISE – Safety assUraNce fRamework for connected, automated mobIlity SystEms.
– Move2CCAM – MethOds and tools for comprehensive impact Assessment of the CCAM solutions for passengers and goods .
She presented the first preliminary results coming from the participatory approaches carried out in the four public authorities involved in SINFONICA: West Midland, Noord Brabant, Triala and Hamburg. Here you can catch up with the full session that was moderated by Andrea Arcelli (CINEA and SINFONICA Project Officer) and Anna Larsson (RISE).
In particular, Giulia explained SINFONICA in a nutshell to then delve deeper on the SINFONICA’s phases (that can be found here), focusing especially on the interviews and focus groups that were carried out within the first round of data collection (September – December 2023).
In SINFONICA we have a motto: we leave no one behind. In the following slide that was presented during the RTR2024, all the groups of people that we want to talk with are summarized.
SINFONICA wasn’t the only project in which ICOOR is involved that was presented at the RTR! Also the following Horizon 2020 projects were presented:
– MobiDataLab – Labs for prototyping future Mobility Data sharing cloud solutions. MobiDataLab is the EU-funded lab for prototyping new mobility data sharing solutions. Our aim is to foster data sharing in the transport sector, providing mobility organising authorities with recommendations on how to improve the value of their data, contributing to the development of open tools in the cloud, and organising hackathons aiming to find innovative solutions to concrete mobility problems.
5G Carmen – 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European union. The 5G-CARMEN project is a medium-term effort to significantly drive the research, implementation, and demonstration of refined 5G solutions for the Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility. In 5G-CARMEN important European industries, academics and innovative SMEs commit to achieve worldwide impact by conducting extensive trials across an important corridor (by people/goods traffic volumes), from Bologna to Munich, spanning 600 km of roads, connecting three European regions (Bavaria, Tirol and Trentino/South-Tyrol) across three countries. Cooperative