Hyper – Network for electroMobility
The european project NeMo is carrying out a real-life cross-border test of electromobility roaming, that started from Barcelona on 20 May 2019.
The project team drove 5.000 through 9 countries in an electric car , charging at various points along the way to demonstrate the validity of the Inter-Roaming protocol developed by NeMo.
Something to Know About NeMo
10/2016 – 09/2019
Adoption: NeMo aims to make electromobility more attractive and facilitate its mass adoption.
Security & availability: The project aims to facilitate increased service availability and better planning and more secure electric grid operation.
Energy Management: NeMo acts as a catalyst across the entire energy management cycle of electromobility.
Reducing Barriers:
NeMo helps to make backend data and services accessible to the right actors and bringing down digital and physical barriers.
Business Facilitation:
NeMo creates business opportunities for electromobility actors.
ICOOR worked in market monitoring as regards technologies affecting CPOs. Moreover, ICOOR collaborated in the definition of the data translators and in the Common Information Models.
ICOOR team participated in the smart journey planner and it supported the organisation of the Stakeholder Forum conference.
ICOOR members: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Trieste.
NeMo In Numbers
NeMo Contacts

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