Labs for prototyping future Mobility Data sharing cloud solutions
The overall objective of MobiDataLab is to propose to the mobility stakeholders (transport organising authorities, operators, industry, innovators) a replicable methodology and sustainable tools that foster the development of a data sharing culture in Europe and beyond.
MobiDataLab leverages on the legal, technological and economic opportunities to:
-present mobility data providers with recommendations on how to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of their data
– how to describe them, how to store them safely and securely, how to make them available, easy to find, and understandable;
– encourage the reuse of these data and foster users’ trust in the data, contributing to the development and promotion of open tools to the community of innovators;
– bring together mobility stakeholders (both data providers and data consumers) to find innovative solutions to concrete problems, using open data as a tool.
MG-4-7-2020: Digitalisation of the system: data sharing
01/02/2021 – 31/01/2024
MobiDataLab is based on a continuous co-development of knowledge and of technical solutions for data sharing with high involvement of all data producers and consumers in the transport and mobility landscape. This will be put in action through problem-solving oriented Labs, the collection and analysis of advice and recommendations of experts and supporting cities/regions/clusters/associations aided by the incremental construction of a cross-thematic knowledge base and of a cloud-based service platform, which will federate access and usage of data sharing resources.
ICOOR participates in the MobiDataLab consortium, composed of 9 partners across Europe from various sectors (Industry, Research, Academia, Consultancy and Governance). The consortium shares a common view on the values and benefits of open data and open source principles for fostering independence and uptake by communities.
In particular, ICOOR will be the WP3 “New Data Sharing Services and Business Models” coordinator, being the leader also of the task 3.3 “Gap Analysis” and the task 3.5 “Societal and environmental impacts of data sharing assessment framework).
Furthermore, ICOOR will lead the task 5.2 “Quantification and measurement of data exchange culture” and will contribute in many other activities of the project.

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ICOOR and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.