Intelligent dynamics for fully Electric Vehicles
The objective of the ID4EV project was to develop energy-efficient and safe brake and chassis systems for the needs of fully electric vehicles and the improvement of active safety and comfort for a faster introduction of fully electric vehicles (FEV). Optimization on vehicle level was done with a new approach of a network system as well as new HMI concepts.
Something to Know About ID4EV
This project was funded by the FP7 – 2010 – ICR – Green Car initiative
06/2010 – 08/2012
Electrified auxiliaries like brake and chassis systems lead to new possibilities for vehicle control resulting from an enhanced cooperative interaction between mechatronic systems.
The aim was to provide best-practice safe electrified brake and chassis systems that meet the high quality and safety standards of the European automotive industry and consequently lead to a high user/customer acceptance.
To reach the safety targets and to provide solutions to the market in the immediate future, existing systems were adapted to the special requirements of fully electric vehicles. The project concentrated on topics of energy efficiency, safety and interconnection between the vehicle chassis, the optimized drive train/ safety systems and the driver.
The ICOOR role in this project was to provide a regenerative breaky HMI model for declaration and regenerative braking. ICOOR was also in charge of the project website, assuring that the project objectives, the results in papers and the presentations were properly described and posted.
ICOOR members: Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ICOOR and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.