ICOOR’S Contribute to the Next Research and Innovation Framework Programme
ICOOR team is working to ambitiously contribute on the preparation of Horizon Europe, the research and innovation program to succeed Horizon 2020.
On 24-26 September 2019, we participated to the European Research and Innovation days and we contributed in co-designing the document orientation towards the first strategic plan for Horizon Europe .
Now the phase dedicated to the drawing of the SRIA has started. The Strategic Research and Innovation Action is a document that identifies the foreseen portfolio of activities of the partnership, measurable expected outcomes, deliverables and milestones within specific timeframes.
Having participated in the public consultation and having shown interest in collaborating in the definition of the SRIA, ICOOR received the invitation to participate in the discussion calls with the managers of the drafting team for each of these clusters:
-Cluster 1: Large-scale demonstration;
-Cluster 2: In-vehicle technologies;
-Cluster 3: Validation;
-Cluster 4: Integrating the vehicle in the transport system;
-Cluster 5: Key enabling technologies;
-Cluster 6: Social aspects and user acceptance;
-Cluster 7: Research Coordination.
Therefore, in these days, the different members of ICOOR are participating to these meetings making available competences, connections and expertise.
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”
– H.E. Luccock