Automotive Chassis Development for 5-Days-Cars
The prime objective of ACDC was to develop a concept, which radically enhances automotive manufacturing in order to achieve a high level of responsiveness required for a 5-Days car process according to customer specifications. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, a highly promising new collaboration process was created.
Since the guarantee of delivery by 100% must be maintained at any rate, a critical path recovery tool was introduced, which comprises a toolbox of measures that can be put in force to cure any disturbance within a tolerance time-span and relative to its degree of severity.
ACDC enabled the automotive supply chain to advance from traditional hierarchic manufacturing towards a knowledge-based concurrent process that increases industrial capacity, reduces stocks and allows the last moment configuration of new products in higher variations and quality and at the lower costs.
Something to Know About ACDC
FP6 – 2005 – TRANSPORT – Integration of clean and economic manufacturing techniques
10/2006 – 09/2011
The development of a novel Chassis concept increased the amount of data and information available at the architectural level. These data may provide add-on functionalities. ICOOR contributed to identify these functionalities. Once these have been identified, ICOOR provided their implementation. In this way, the validator of 5-Day car chassis expected in WT 1300 was enriched by a set of add-on driving safety-related functionalities directly derived from a merging of sensors and modules already implemented and available (as a driving risk real-time detector). ICOOR supported the interface between WP 1000 and WP 2000.
ICOOR provided help to the validation of the hardware and software modules into the “Mechatronics Functional Network Validator”. In particular, it cooperated in the test and validation procedures needed for Networked Modular Mechatronic Components. Moreover, it was involved in the validation of the effectiveness derived from the add-on functionalities related to driving safety. Finally, ICOOR participated in the validation of the rear axle differential, with a focus on networking and controlling functions.
ICOOR Members: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ICOOR and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.