Support to the emergence of a European offer for new 5G technologies
5G-LOGINNOV will focus on seven 5G-PPP Thematics. 5G-LOGINNOV main aim is to design and innovative framework addressing integration and validation of CAD/CAM technologies related to the industry 4.0 and ports domains by creating new opportunities for LOGistics value chain INNOVation.
5G-LOGINNOV ports will not only significantly optimize their operations but also minimize their environmental footprint to the city and the disturbance to the local population.
5G-LOGINNOV will open SMEs’ and Start-Ups’ door to these new markets using its three Living Labs as facilitators and ambassadors for innovation on ports.
09/2020 – 08/2023
5G-LOGINNOV aims to support the new generation of 5G-CAD terminals, new type of IoT-5G connectivity devices through technical solutions, business models and priority scenarios by deploying new CAD and Logistics as a Service in real-life port-city areas.
- Develop and Deploy Next Generation ports & logistics hubs operation system
architecture integrated in 5G networks at three main ports in Europe: Athens (GR), Hamburg (DE) and Koper (SL) utilising new types of 5G IoT sensors and devices.
- Optimise ports & logistics hubs operation and maintenance, for reducing their operational costs with innovative concepts and use cases.
- Reduce significantly ports & logistics hubs operation emissions (CO2/NOX) and regulate the resulting freight traffic on the future 5G logistics corridor in EU including CAM truck platooning management.
- Regulate the freight traffic generated by ports & logistics hubs on the future 5G logistics corridors in EU and integration of future Connected and Automated truck platoons.
- Boost ports & logistics hubs operation & maintenance innovation with involvement of new market actors including SMEs and Start-ups.
- Support standardisation of 5G enabled Next Generation ports & logistics hubs operation system to ensure interoperability, platform openness and operation harmonisation around future 5G Logistics x- border corridors.
- Support adoption and take up of 5G enabled Next Generation ports & logistics hubs operation system in Europe and beyond.
ICOOR will use the knowledge generated through 5G-LOGINNOV for :
1) generating new research and innovation projects related to 5G, ITS, transport and logistics, smart city; opportunities within Horizon Europe; other EU programmes addressing SMEs will be also considered;
2) new strategic partnerships with industry actors (especially SMEs and start-ups) will be established; 3) educational purposes, for instance by organizing training sessions in the different locations of the Interuniversity Consortium. Students will get in touch with the project and will be offered the possibility to carry out Masters theses on different aspects related to the project;
4) establishing further connections with the local stakeholders groups, especially those addressing business incubation and deep tech.
ICOOR members:
– Politecnico di Torino;
– Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ICOOR and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.